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Kerri is running for Family Court Judge, Dept. N


For nearly two decades, my legal career has been dedicated to advocating for children. My journey into juvenile law began during my time at the William S. Boyd School of Law, where I had the privilege of participating in the Juvenile Justice Clinic. Although the clinic was initially designed for one semester, my passion led me to extend my involvement for an additional term. This experience solidified my commitment to representing minors.


In 2005, I joined the Clark County Public Defender's Office, where I was assigned to the juvenile division. As a Chief Deputy Public Defender, I tirelessly represented children between the ages of eight and twenty-one. My cases spanned a wide spectrum of delinquency acts. Additionally, my responsibilities included representing minors in appeals to the Nevada Supreme Court. I also handled transfer proceedings, accompanying my clients into the adult criminal system when necessary, and continuing to represent them in jury trials and sentencing proceedings. 


After 16 years as a Public Defender, I decided to expand my focus to address different legal issues affecting minors. I served as a staff attorney in the Minor Guardianship Advocacy Program at the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada, Inc. This program offers crucial representation to vulnerable minors navigating the guardianship process, with clients ranging in age from birth to eighteen. I advocate for children whose parents are deceased, abusive, struggling with mental illness or drug addiction, or have abandoned them.


Guardianship cases often intersect with dependency and custody matters. I ensure that my clients' interests are safeguarded by accompanying them to custody hearings when needed. In some cases, the Department of Family Services recommends guardianship filings rather than referring cases for services, and I am involved in developing oversight for such situations through a dependency diversion court. In some cases, the Department of Family Services recommends guardianship filings rather than referring the cases for services. I was part of a committee that took oversight for such situations by proposing a dependency diversion court.


My dedicated focus on representing children has equipped me with in-depth knowledge of childhood and brain development. I understand the profound impact of domestic violence, in utero substance exposure, peer pressure, and the internet/social media on children. I also possess a comprehensive understanding of Nevada Revised Statutes Titles 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 38.


Representing children has taught me the importance of active listening and thoughtful communication. I recognize the emotional complexities that children and parents face when dealing with issues such as transfer to adult court, loss of parental rights, abuse, or abandonment. My problem-solving skills allow me to address their concerns and provide viable solutions.


Throughout my legal career, I have built and maintained strong relationships with clients, their families, colleagues, law firms, District Attorneys, judges, and relevant agencies. My kind and positive personality enables me to foster effective and efficient connections in a conscientious manner.


My decision to apply for a position in District Court Department N is not taken lightly. The role of a judge carries immense responsibility, and I am prepared for the challenge. I bring to this position a wealth of leadership, interpersonal, listening, and communication skills. My character is marked by integrity and dedication, and I possess an unwavering commitment to fulfilling my duties with a high level of energy and diligence. For nearly two decades, I have been a staunch advocate for children, and now, I am ready to champion their cause as a District Court Judge.

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